Digital product ideas including planners, journals, trackers, cards, to resell as your own





NOTICE: Our products are continiously experiencing copyright infringement issues as soon as one of our product is live and becomes a Bestseller. We have officially decided to protect what we create by moving from PDF files to secured weblinks, hidden from search engines. As small business owners ourselves, we take copyright infringement extremely seriously. Each of our weblink are protected with a copyright source file. We have taken this step to prevent plagiarism and ensure that our people keep receiving accurate information. Thank you for your understanding and continued support!

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"BE READY TO DO THE WORK UPFRONT. Before you even see ANY results. And keep going until it works." — Anne, Founder.


Ok - THIS MUST BE one of the most important topic ever.

Something I'm really proud to share with you.

You CAN'T miss this section.

I cracked the code.

I did try EVERYTHING I could to stand out on Etsy. And here is the breakdown.

Your listings pictures are the second thing potential customers will check.

Etsy is a visual platform!



BE READY TO DO THE WORK UPFRONT. Before you even see results.

RESULTS WILL COME once you DO the work. And you've got to believe in it.

Think as a customer: what would you want to see and to know if you were looking to buy the products that you sell?

And here is the trick.

What would YOU do or say if you would have to convine a friend to buy what you sell, this exact product that you'r trying to list?

What are your arguments?

What would you showcase?

What would you highlight?

What would you demonstrate?

And you will see, things become clearer.

This is the exact same strategy we use on a sales page. BUT NO ONE applies this on Etsy!

A sales page is basically a single page where online sellers can direct their traffic to, to sell a digital or physical product/a service.

On a sales page, you have loads of sections. The goal of a sales page is to convince your potential customer TO BUY what you have to sell. And you will usually add as many sections as you possibly can. (What is the product, Reviews, Meet the founder, Video, Features, Benefits, Outcome, Results...)

See this "pictures" section as a sales page ITSELF.

Some people won't read your product description. Your creatives need to answer your potential customers questions RIGHT AWAY before they even have the chance to go away.

Your listings picture should include all of these following elements.

Pay attention TO EACH ELEMENTS AND DETAILS I've used in the examples below.


Le'ts have a look together.


1. Image size and quality

Make sure your product photos are high-quality and optimized for web use. The ideal size for Etsy product photos is 2700 w x 2025 h, so it takes the whole space available on the page and you should aim for a resolution of at least 72 DPI.

2. Lighting and angles

Good lighting is essential for creating high-quality product photos. Make sure you have plenty of light and experiment with different angles to showcase your product in the best possible way. You can also use props or backgrounds for your backrgrounds. (paper, wallpaper, etc...). And your iPhone is enough! You do NOT need to invest in pro materials to take quality pictures.

3. Branding

Your branding is really important. Product photos should reinforce your brand identity and create a cohesive look across all your listings. This can include using consistent colors, fonts, and imagery.

3. Editing

Your photos should be visually consistent and aligned with your branding. That means using consistent visual elements across all your product listings that are cohesive together. Editing your product photos is A MUST if you want to create high-converting listing on Etsy. By paying attention to the details and using the right tools and techniques, you can create photos that are visually appealing + extremely informative without having your ppl to read/scroll any further. You can use a variety of design tools to create text overlays, including graphic design software such as Adobe InDesign or online FREE platforms like Canva.


that works for any physical products, digital products, and services.

CREATIVE #1: Main product thumbnail

  1. CREATIVE #1 Main product thumbnail: This is the main AND MOST IMPORTANT image that showcases your product and catches the customer's attention. It should be visually appealing and highlight the product's key features. Use decluterred background. Close-up of your product. Include at least 1 bonus item, a big and bold TITLE that says exactly what it is, indicate "free shipping" or "ship today!" or "made in ______" or "NEW" or "Bestseller" on a badge, and showcase a sale promotions within the image to grab the attention of potential buyers DIRECTLY FROM THE SEARCH PAGE.

👉 Bold statement or Title (Let the world know what it is, in A FEW WORDS.)

👉 Show-off your reviews (Add stars + reviews count.)

👉 Talk about your shipping (FREE? Where do you ship from and when?)

👉 Ongoing big offer (Recommend: Raise your prices and apply a big sale shopwide, every 24h.)

👉 Bonus (What they get extra if they buy from you?)

👉 Be extremely intentional with the picture you're using here.


The more you work on it, THE BETTER.

CREATIVE #2 "What it is" section:

  1. CREATIVE #2 "What it is" section: This section should explain and show what your product is EXACTLY and what it does. Be clear and concise, and try to use words that your target audience will understand. It's time to showcase another picture of your product.

Your people should have ZERO questions about what the product is and what you are trying to sell to them, with this picture. Don't forget to keep adding the same badges here and there, so you keep reminding them about how fast you ship, and the bonus they will get once they purchase.

CREATIVE #3 "What's included" section showcasing the variations and options:

  1. CREATIVE #3 "What's included" section showcasing the variations and options: This section should detail the features of your product and what is included with the purchase. If there is a few variations to choose from, it's time to showcase them all here too. This can help customers understand what they are EXACTLY getting and make an informed decision.

CREATIVE #4 "Why do I need it" section showcasing features + benefits:

  1. CREATIVE #4 "Why do I need it" section showcasing features + benefits: In this section, focus on the benefits that your product provides. How will it improve the customer's life or solve the problem they have that this product can help with? Use concise, benefit-focused short text: The text you use in this section should be focused on the benefits of your product and written with words that your target audience resonates with and understand.

CREATIVE #5 "Lifestyle outcome/results" section:

  1. CREATIVE #5 "Lifestyle outcome/results" section: This section can be used to showcase the results or outcomes that customers can expect from using your product. Use User-generated-content as much as possible here. Here, include before-and-after photos, or just showcase end/lifestyle/finish results. (Eg: finished looks, metrics, results, transformations, before/after, achievements, progress...)

People buy what they buy for a result. ALWAYS.

No matter what your product is.

Showcase an specific atmosphere, a feeling, an outcome, a result... Be intential here too.

What are they looking for when buying this product?

Your answer should be what you're displaying here.

CREATIVE #6 How It Works & Q&A:

  1. CREATIVE #6 How It Works & Q&A: Explain how it works OR how to place an order. A LOT of people are still struggling to order online. And the custom or ordering process may be extremely obvious for you, it may not always be for someone new to your brand, new to the product you sell. Explain how it works OR how to order here. Answer a very few common questions that customers may have about your product, such as sizing, how to use it or how it works, fitting, etc... (Eg: Size Chart, Fitting, How to care, Custom Steps, How It Works Steps, etc...)

NEVER assume that "they know so I won't say it".

Always explain the process or how things work like you're talking to a 5th grader.

Meaning using simple language and clear explanations that are easy to understand for everyone.

CREATIVE #7 Shipping and gifting options:

  1. CREATIVE #7 Shipping and gifting options: Be transparent and show + talk about your shipping, when do you ship it, how is the packaging, your policies and options. This can help customers make an informed decision and feel more confident in their purchase. (Eg: Ship today, 24h dispatch time, Made in UK, Gift wrapping and card options, etc...)

As a reminder: Your people want your products YESTERDAY and FOR FREE. Do what you want with this info but I would highly recommend you to offer FREE shipping, no matter how much it costs you to get your products out. BUT include your shipping costs into your product price.

CREATIVE #8 Reviews section:

  1. CREATIVE #8 Reviews section: Including customer reviews IN ONE CREATIVE will help you build trust and credibility with potential customers. If you're starting from 0, feel free to create a few testimonials. SHORT AND CONCISE.

People have access to your reviews section on Etsy. But some won't scroll below. It's a chance for you to display them here and remind them that you're a badass seller and other people LOVE your products.

Reviews are powerful because they can persuade others to buy a product because they tap into the psychological principle of FOMO (the fear of missing out on something) on a good deal or a good product.

CREATIVE #9 Meet the creator/seller section with a behind the scenes pic:

  1. CREATIVE #9 Meet the creator/seller section with a behind the scenes pic: Including a personal touch, such as a photo of yourself, yourself working or your workspace, will help customers feel more connected to your brand. Show the behind the scenes! Go personal. Add a few info about what's your brand about!

- You working.

- Your workspace.

- The story of your brand/your product

- What do you stand for? Your vision?

It can be ANYTHING. The more I feel closer to you, the more I trust you. You want your people to like you, to trust you, to remember you, so that they can buy from you.

CREATIVE #10 Guarantee & Policies section:

  1. CREATIVE #10 Guarantee & Policies section: Returns, exchanges... this is the moment to highight that in your listings. If you offer a satisfaction guarantee or warranty, be sure to include this information in your listing. Showing that you are confident enough to let people returning their items in case there is an issue will automatically reassure them. It may be obvious, but IF YOU MENTION THIS HERE, because YOU say it, THEN it exists. This can help customers feel more confident in their purchase and reduce the risk of returns or refunds. It's usually the final push they need for them to BUY.


  1. 99% of people won't do this:

  1. 👉 Go on a customer journey.
  2. 👉 Pick one of your product you want to work on.
  3. 👉 Start by typing some keywords on search.
  4. 👉 Find your product. And take a screenshot of what you see.
  5. 👉 Either ask yourself, or ask a friend: "If you were looking to buy X, what would you click on?"
  6. 👉 See what they do. Are they selling? What are they displaying on their thumbnail? How is the product featured? Is it a bundle? How did they price it?

And be honest with yourself.

If you wouldn't buy yours, NO ONE will either.

Become obssessed at having the best thumbnail in that search page. The best offer. The best bundle. The best value. The best aethetic. The best product. Improve it.

BECOME THE BEST at what you do.




Discover The New Upstrider® Official

If you're looking for a Done-For-You solution, I have your back! You can have access to digital products already created and ready to sell. We also implemented a "Product Request" meaning that you can ask for products you wish to see inside.

You'll get access to a library of high-quality digital products with PLR rights written, edited, and designed by leading industry experts, allowing you to resell them as your own. Expand your product range, increase your profits, and provide valuable digital products to your audience. Start selling your digital products today!